Fundoscopy also called Ophthalmoscopy is an exam your doctor, optometrist, or ophthalmologist uses to look into the back of your eye. With it, they can see the retina (which senses light and images), the optic disk (where the optic nerve takes the information to the brain), and blood vessels. The fundus is the only location where vasculature can be visualised. Therefore the fundoscopic exam can discover pathological processes which would otherwise be invisible.
When is a fundoycopic examination used?
Your eye doctor can use ophthalmoscopy to screen for eye diseases and conditions that can affect blood vessels. These conditions include:
- Damage to your optic nerve
- Retinal tear or detachment
- Glaucoma, which is excessive pressure in your eye
- Macular degeneration, a loss of vision in the center of your visual field
- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis, an infection of your retina
- Melanoma – a type of skin cancer that can spread to your eye
- Hypertension – which is also known as high blood pressure
- Diabetes
- Disseminated candidemia
- CMV in an HIV infected patients
- Increased pressure in the brain and infections like endocarditis
Prevention is better than cure and early detection can be a boon to you your wellbeing. We at ACCORD Hospitals have highly skilled technicians, nurses, and renowned ophthalmologists that will help perform your test seamlessly and evaluate your test results.
Book your appointment today!